mercredi 6 février 2008

News from Kenya // Des nouvelles du Kenya

Nickson et notre camion // Nickson and our truck - Moyale - 17/07/08
(les experts reconnaitront mon sac à dos en bas à droite)

Vous le savez sans doute, les choses vont mal au Kenya. Le fait d'y avoir passé 15 jours cet été me rapproche de ce pays.
Journal de bord personnel - 18/07/07 - 22h30 - New Hillcrest Hotel - Nairobi
"Ca y est ! Me voilà à Nairobi ! J'ai bien cru y rester ! Entre la négo sans fin pour trouver un véhicule, le trajet interminable coincé entre Nickson et le levier de vitesse, la poussière omniprésente, puis le fameux bus non pas à 5h mais à 3h du mat' depuis Wajir, avec ses 7 heures de piste sur un siège à l'arrière ! Ce fut rude pour le corps. Je suis surpris de ne pas être plus fatigué que cela. Par contre, je suis toujours malade. A la limite de l'incontinence. Ai pourtant finin par manger aujourd'hui après plus de 48h sans réelle alimentation. Le plus drôle est que je ne me sentais même pas faible. Etonnant."
Echange de mails en date des dernières semaines :

Nickson :

"Am fine doing well, happy new year to you too. How is you Guillaume ? I have miss you so much, Kenya is not good at the moment, many people lost their life, but we are praying God that things will be okey. This is my cell phone number xxx. you can call me at any time. Have a blessing year."

Me :

"Yeaaah !
I'm so happy you answered !
I am fine as well.
I am travelling a lot as usual. Now in Romania for work, were there is 50cm of snow !!!
And so sad about problems in Kenya. I also wish so much things will go for the better. Your country deserve a better future.
Things look so different to me now that I was in Kenya.
I note your phone number and will try to call you soon.
It was such a pleasure to meet you in Kenya and I was sorry, we couldnt meet again.
I put in this mail a picture that I took in Kenya, when we were sitting next to each other in the truck.
I hope you will like it."

Nickson :

"Hi am fine thanks alot, I have seen the picture it looks so nice. surely i can not forget you in my life ,you have been a good friend to me am so happy for rememberig let us keep that spirit and God will enable us to meet again. kindly if you dont mind send me all the pics that you captured during that trip for remembrance.Thanks for keeping in touch n looking foward for more communication. Stay blessed always . Your friend Nic."

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