mercredi 24 octobre 2007

The Only Way Out // La seule issue

"La seule issue" - Glasgow - 2003

I remember,
falling from the 30th floor
the flapping of my clothes
I remember,
my mouth distorted by a silent scream
the fury of the wind against my ears.
I remember,
fighting to breathe in
staring at the growing ground.
I remember,
flashes of my life
happy for most.
I remember,
my body
smashing against the floor
my chest
crashed in like a ball of paper.
I remember,
the burning bounces of my head on the cement
my teeth falling like leaves
the distinct sound of 37 breaking bones
the thick liquid leaving me
Leaving me
the endless second of agony.

I remember...

PS : Promis, demain, je poste quelque chose de rigolo.

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